Mercy Lee Bell delivered 30% of the company's ARR at 23. First sales job. It's like that. Our conversation gave me the chills, friends. Multiple times over. Think Pinky & The Brain and I'm Pinky.
Mercy Lee Bell delivered 30% of the company's ARR at 23. First sales job. It's like that.
Our conversation gave me the chills, friends. Multiple times over. Think Pinky & The Brain and I'm Pinky.
World domination, anyone?
We talk business. We talk tech sales. We talk podcasts. We talk money. We talk psychological safety. We talk friendship and healing. We talk journeys. We talk labels. We talk intersectionality and hyper-vigilance. We talk *right* action. We talk consumerism. We talk wellness.
And, most importantly, we talk about Take C4re. & Mercy's LinkedIn profile
Made It featuring Lisa Francoeur by Sales for the Culture
Andy Paul's LinkedIn Profile
Roderick "RJ" Jefferson's LinkedIn Profile
Check out the top Revenue Real Hotline episodes, by the numbers.